Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Time Zone *
Birth Date *
Age *
Place of Birth *
Height (feet & inches) *
Weight (lbs) *
Occupation *
Referred by:
Today's Date *
Describe Problem(s): *
What treatments have you tried? *
Has anything been successful? *
Do you have any pets or farm animals? If yes, where do they live (outdoors/indoors)? *
Have you lived or traveled outside of the United States? If so, when and where? *
Have you or your family recently experienced any major life changes? If yes, please comment:
Have you experienced any major losses in life? If yes, please comment:
How much time (if any) have you lost from work or school in the past year due to your health issue(s)?
What previous jobs have you held? What job do you currently hold?
Please list any known allergies or intolerances (food or environmental): *
List past Medical and Surgical History: *
List previous hospitalizations: *
What medications are you currently taking (including birth control/hormones)? *
What vitamins, minerals, or other nutritional supplements are you currently taking? *
Were you a full term baby? A preemie? Breast-fed or bottle-fed? *
As a child, did you eat a lot of sugar and/or candy? *
Are you on a special diet? *
Is there anything special about your diet I should know?
Do you have symptoms immediately after eating, such as belching, bloating, sneezing, hives, etc.? If yes, are these symptoms associated with any particular food(s) or supplement(s)? *
Does skipping a meal greatly affect your symptoms? *
Have you ever had a food that you craved or really "binged" on over a period of time? *
Do you have an aversion to certain foods? If yes, what foods? *
Do you have any constipation (straining or less than 1 bowel movement per day) or diarrhea (loose stool)? *
Do you have intestinal gas? If yes, when? *
How many times per week (if any) do you drink alcohol? *
Have you ever used tobacco? If yes, when and for how long? *
Are you exposed to secondhand smoke regularly? *
Do you have mercury amalgam "silver" fillings in your teeth? If yes, how many? *
Do you have any artificial joints or implants? If yes, which ones? *
Do you feel worse at certain times of the year? *
Have you, to your knowledge, been exposed to toxic metals in your job or at home? *
Do odors affect you? If so, which ones?
How would you rate your current level of stress? *
Women: Do you have a cycle? If yes, how long is it, and is it regular?
Women: Do you have any problematic symptoms related to your cycle?
Have you ever had psychotherapy or counseling?
List your hobbies and leisure activities: *
Do you exercise regularly? If yes, how many times a week, and what type(s) of exercise (e.g. walking, bodyweight, free weight, steady-state cardio, intervals, etc.)? *
Do you struggle with insomnia or interrupted sleep? *
Around when do you go to bed? *
Around when do you wake up? *
Do your parents or siblings have (or have they, in the past, had) any health issues? If yes, please explain: *
Please add any other information you feel is important:
Why do you believe that you would be a good candidate to work with Pierce Whitley? *